Nike+PHP Get your data from Nike+

Nike+PHP is dead 😵

The website will remain here for historical purposes, but sadly the class no longer functions as intended.

Nike changed from using XML to JSON and changed the way in which the data is returned, so Nike+PHP no longer has a purpose.

While I would love to rewrite it, I do not have the time right now to do this. Logging in still works, so if you're interested enough, you may be able to figure out which JSON feeds do what and still get the information you require from Nike in the absence of an official API.


Nike+PHP is PHP class that gets you your data from the Nike+ website, including activities, all time statistics and some aspects of NikeFuel. All you need to get started is PHP 5 with cURL and JSON.

Follow Nike+PHP on twitter and Google+.

☕ Donate

If you would like to show some support for the project, why not buy me a beer, a donut or an energy drink? Please feel free to .

Donate to the Nike+PHP project

Changes from v4.4+

To make Nike+PHP more consistent with Nike+ there have been small changes to the code. From version 4.4+ private methods and variables now begin with an underscore and instead of run and runs, items are now referred to as either an activity or activities.

Please check the documentation and examples for more information.

Download v4.6.0

Nike+PHP is now hosted on this domain. Download the file using the link above and remove the .txt extension.


There are a number of things you can do with Nike+PHP, the first thing you need to do is login:

  require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
  $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');

Once you've successfully logged in, you can call any of the following public methods.

Get Data

Friendly methods

Private methods

Known issues

  1. Changing your username works internally for the Nike+ website, but doesn't always work for Nike+PHP.
  2. If you don't have a country set, the data returned cannot be decoded correctly. The best way around this is to make sure you have a complete profile.


To help you get started, here are some examples of how to use Nike+PHP.

Activity count

Count how many activities you have recorded with Nike+

  require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
  $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
  $activities = $n->activities();
  echo count($activities);

From version 4.2, the method returns an array of objects, rather than an object returning an array of objects.

Get activity info

Get the information about a specific activity.

  require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
  $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
  $activity = $n->activity($activityId);

From version 4.4, the method returns just the data, rather than an array of one item that then contains the data.

Get GPS data

Get the GPS data for an activity, if available.

  require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
  $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
  $activity = $n->activity($activityId);

Distance covered (Km)

The distance you have covered using Nike+, always returned in Km.

  require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
  $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
  $activities = $n->allTime();
  echo $activities->lifetimeTotals->distance;

Distance covered (Miles)

The distance you have covered using Nike+, always returned in Km, but converted into miles (2d.p.).

  require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
  $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
  $activities = $n->allTime();
  echo $n->toMiles($activities->lifetimeTotals->distance);

Calories burned

The calories you have burned using Nike+.

  require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
  $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
  $activities = $n->allTime();
  echo $activities->lifetimeTotals->calorie;

Activity duration (HH:MM:SS)

The duration of your last activity.

    require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
    $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
    $activity = $n->mostRecentActivity();
    echo $n->formatDuration($activity->activity->metrics->duration);

Calculate average pace in time/km (HH:MM:SS)

There are a few ways to calculate your pace, depending on what units you want use. This first example shows how to get the pace in km.

    require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
    $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
    $activity = $n->mostRecentActivity();
    echo $n->calculatePace($activity->activity->duration, $activity->activity->distance);

Calculate average pace in time/miles (HH:MM:SS)

There are two ways to calculate the pace of a activity in miles, depending on what you pass through. This first example works by setting $toMiles to true.

    require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
    $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
    $activity = $n->mostRecentActivity();
    echo $n->calculatePace($activity->activity->duration, $activity->activity->distance, true);

Calculate average pace in time/miles (HH:MM:SS)

This second example works by setting the $distance to reflect the distance of the activity in miles.

    require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
    $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
    $activity = $n->mostRecentActivity();
    echo $n->calculatePace($activity->activity->duration, $n->toMiles($activity->activity->distance));

Get your Fuel activity

Simply pass the date for the Fuel you want to retrieve.

    require_once 'nikeplusphp.4.6.0.php';
    $n = new NikePlusPHP('[email protected]', 'password');
    $fuel = $n->fuelActivity('2015/01/01'); // 1st Jan 2015
    echo $fuel->activityDetail->activity->fuelAmt;

Used by

Below you will find examples of sites or products that use the Nike+PHP code.

Help & contribute

If you need help using Nike+PHP or if you would like to contribute to the project, please feel free to send feature requests or contributions to [email protected]

Here are those that have already contributed to or inspired the project:

To do

As well as looking for suggestions for features, which you can submit to the email address above, I have now included a list of things I have to do on the project and features I would ultimately like to introduce.

Buy Nike+ products

Nike sell a range of products to compliment the Nike+ service, including running shoes, GPS watches and wristbands.

 Apple & mobile

You can purchase Nike+ compatible iPods from Apple, Nike+ music from iTunes and mobile apps from the App Store and Google Play.

Other retailers

You can also buy relevant products from the stores below:


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